Soccer Technique

Soccer Technique

Passing - Exercise to introduce concepts such as rotations, position changes and to improve passing technique
1v1 - Psycho-physical exercise to train speed and concentration with 1 v 1 situation after coach's directions
Passing - A stimulating game to train several technical aspects with a single exercise
Coordination - Exercise to train basic technique and coordination in several classes of footbal players
Shooting - Exercise to improve technique in shooting with cognitive and coordinating elements
Ball control - Technical circuit with visual and auditory elements to stimulate the cognitive capabilities in young players
Pass - Exercise involving four players to improve the timing of the pass with rapid exchanges
Pass - Exercise proposal involving four players to improve the timing of the pass with rapid exchanges
Passing - Exercise to improve passing and oriented ball control, also useful to stimulate timing of runs
Shooting - Exercise to train pass, dribbling and shot
