YouCoachApp Video Analysis: How to create a presentation project
YouCoachApp Video Analysis: How to create a presentation project |

Summary |
Video Analysis made simple, for every analyst and coach. Here's how to create a presentation project |
In this article we find out how to create a presentation project.
If you have finished the tagging process we explained in this article, it is time to create your presentation project. From the YouCoachApp Video Analysis home page, click on New Presentation, assign a name, and open.
The interface presents these elements:
- editing tools menu: Tags, Properties, Media, Elements;
- video;
- timeline and editing features;
- buttons to present, export, share.
In order to create the presentation, you need to add the videos, and later you can work on editing. Here are the steps to follow.
[Add TAGS]
- Select the TAG from the list and drag it to the timeline.
- You can search for tags using the search filter and see all the metadata associated with that tag by clicking on Show tag info. You can also add as many tags as you want to the timeline..
- Select the MEDIA from the list and drag it to the timeline. In addition to the tag library you created in tagging projects, you can also add other videos at your discretion, creating a library of clips that all your collaborators can use.
For example, you can add intros/outros to make your collaborators' presentations uniform.
You can assign labels to these videos to make them easier to find in the media library.
Note: There is no limit to the number of videos or media you can upload; you can upload as many videos or media as you want as long as there is storage space available in your subscription plan. To reduce the size of videos, you can use any video compression software. Lastly, you can at any time purchase more storage space.
Creating your presentation requires you to become familiar with using the timeline and adding graphic elements. Thanks to the artificial intelligence already built into the software, making your presentations effective becomes truly intuitive.
Use the timeline to:
- cut, dupicate, delete videos added to the timeline
- move uploaded videos one after another
For a more functional view, you can increase or decrease the zoom of the timeline
Click on Elements to add information to your presentation and:
- select the item you are interested in and drag it into the video
- click on Properties to change the element's graphics to your liking (background, borders, color, transparency, fill, opacity, angle, etc.)
- change the duration of the element directly on the timeline
- change the sequence of elements appearing directly on the timeline
- drag the graphic elements on top of each other in the timeline to sort the layers
Available to you are:
- Shapes: these are already predefined shapes such as triangle, rectangle, ellipse, player disc, player cone, arrows, 3D arrows
- Tools: allow you to create tactical tools to highlight player movements such as lines, polygons, player duplication (to be used when activating automatic tracking and animations)
- Widgets: text, label with player's name, magnifying glass
Thanks to web technology, you don't lose any of your projects: in fact, YouCoachApp Video Analysis automatically saves every operation.
If you need to, you can use the classic keyboard shortcuts.
- Cancel the last command typed: CTRL+Z (Windows) - CMND+Z (Macintosh)
- Delete: ESC
- Cut: CTRL+X (Windows) or CMND+X (Macintosh)
- Copy: CTRL+C (Windows) or CMND+C (Macintosh)
- Paste: CTRL+V (Windows) or CMND+V (Macintosh)
Lastly, with artificial intelligence already built into the software, you can create effective animations with just a few clicks and in an intuitive way, saving a lot of time.
All these details are explored in depth in the dedicated article you will find HERE.
Video analysis made simple. For every analyst and coach.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis is an innovative video analysis tool with artificial intelligence, animated graphics and automatic tracking, designed for easy and intuitive use.