YouCoachApp Video Analysis: tracking with artificial intelligence and animations
YouCoachApp Video Analysis: tracking with artificial intelligence and animations |

Summary |
Video Analysis made simple, for every analyst and coach. Here's how to run artificial intelligence tracking, take advantage of graphic elements, and create professional custom animations |
In this article we find out how to do artificial intelligence tracking, take advantage of graphical elements and create professional custom animations.
- How to do tracking and create video animations
- How to correct tracking and reposition players
- Which graphic elements to use?
Artificial intelligence helps you create effective and professional animations while saving time. Here's how to use elements, auto-tracking and 3D effects
Tracking is the process of “locking” players or other video elements and moving with them, intelligently and automatically adapting to their movements. Here is how to do tracking with YouCoachApp Video Analysis.
- Stop the video at the time you are interested in.
Now let's see how to add the ELEMENTS (shapes, tactical tools, widgets) that we explained in the previous article.
- to add SHAPES: choose the shape and drag it onto the video
- to add TOOLS:
- click on the tool
- click on the elements you'd like to highlight (players or areas of the field)
- click on the last dot to close the shape
- to add WIDGETS: choose between text, player or magnifier and drag it into the video.
Whenever you insert a shape, tool or widget, it appears on the timeline.
Now click on the created element to customize its graphic appearance to your liking. On the Properties tab you will find all the options available to you.
Now let's see how to do player tracking and create animations.
- Click on the element you just created.
Now move on the timeline, click on the track of that element and expand its duration by holding down the mouse and dragging it to the moment of your interest.
- Now, go back to the video, click on the tactical element you'de like to animate. The Properties tab opens.
- Click on Track Player and wait.
- On the track will appear small yellow symbols (keyframes).
Now the tracking is complete: click play to see the final result.
If the final tracking does not match, you need to correct it. Here's how to do it.
To reposition players (or other tactical elements), follow this procedure.
- Expand the timeline to better display the tactical element.
- On the timeline, click on the track of the graphic element, the Properties tab opens.
- Now move to Position and Geometry. Move from keyframe to keyframe using the arrows to control the positioning you want to change.
- When you have located it, move to the video, click on the tactical element and reposition it.
- Now, click on Track Player again: the artificial intelligence performs a new tracking and also adjusts future keyframes.
Now let's delve into some really interesting tactical elements at your disposal. You will be able to animate these elements and expand their duration by following the same procedures just explained.
Use still frames to emphasize important concepts
The dedicated button allows you to create a still frame that you can use to further customize the presentation, emphasizing key details and reiterating strategic concepts for the team or individual players.
To extend the duration of the still frame, intervene on the timeline as explained above.
Chroma Key is a feature that allows you to “flatten” graphic elements (field areas, arrows...) on the field level, putting them in the background of the players. It is useful, for example, to highlight players' movements or areas of the field during your analysis without having these elements overlap with the players in the video. After you have entered the graphic elent you want, go to Properties and click on Chroma Key to get this graphic rendering and the software will place it in the background.
This makes your presentations clearer, more professional, and focused on the key aspects you want to show to your team or staff.
Use the magnifier to highlight key details
In order to use the magnifier:
- among the elements, select and drag the magnifier into the video;
- with the pointer, clip it to the player you are interested in;
- go to the track and extend the duration of this element according to your preferences;
- click on the green Track Player button;
- click play to start the video: the magnifier will follow the player you docked for the duration you set.
Use Clone player to suggest more effective placements
To highlight a different position of a player (for example, to show what space they could have attacked or what position they should have occupied), use the “Clone player” item like this:
- click on Clone player
- select it in the video
- choose the target location.
Again, if you want to animate this effect: - go to the track and extend the duration of this element according to your preferences;
- click on the green Track player button;
- click play to start the video: the player duplication is shown for the duration you set..
Video analysis made simple. For every analyst and coach.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis is an innovative video analysis tool with artificial intelligence, animated graphics and automatic tracking, designed for easy and intuitive use.