YouCoachApp Video Analysis: exporting and sharing
YouCoachApp Video Analysis: exporting and sharing |

Summary |
Video Analysis made simple, for every analyst and coach. Here's how to export projects and easily share them with staff and players |
YouCoachApp Video Analysis is the tool developed by YouCoach to simplify the work of anyone doing video analysis. Video analysis made simple, for every analyst and coach.
Easy, immediate sharing available to all
Now that you have completed the creation of your project, it's time to share it. YouCoachApp Video Analysis allows you to do this in the easiest way: just one click.
You can choose to share your presentations privately with your staff members and players, or create a link to allow anyone to view the video, adjusting the settings to your discretion.
For example you can:
- add a customized description;
- enable or disable comments and “likes” to work together effectively and more engagingly;
- customize the presentation cover;
- decide between different levels of sharing (share privately or with the whole club).
Do you use YouCoachApp Mobile? Then you can share and watch presentations on your smartphone!
All shared projects are automatically visible within our mobile app: in this simple and convenient way, you can distribute videos to players and staff members, avoiding links, emails or other messaging systems. What's more, thanks to dynamic screen rotation, you simply rotate the screen to see the video full screen.
If you prefer, you can export your project to store it on an external device (on your computer or hard drive).
Click the Export Video button to download it to your device and choose the video quality. You can choose from:
- High quality export HD 1920 x 1080
- Draft quality export 1280 x 720
- Export the whole video or just a few selected frames
To delete the exported video projects:
- click on All exported videos
- click on the trash icon on the video you want to delete
- delete.
Warning: this procedure does not delete the presentation project, but rather the exported videos. This procedure frees up storage space. There is no limit to the number of exported videos. You can upload and export videos as many times as you like, within the limits of the storage space available in your subscription plan.
Video analysis made simple. For every analyst and coach.
YouCoachApp Video Analysis is an innovative video analysis tool with artificial intelligence, animated graphics and automatic tracking, designed for easy and intuitive use.