Duels 1 v 1 with a pass - Valencia CF

- Balls
- 8 cones
- 6 markers
- Playing Area: 30x20 meters / 33x22 yards
- Players: 12
- Duration: 16 minutes
- Series: 3 of 4 minutes each with 2 minutes of passive recovery between sets
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
1 v 1 situations to train positioning, dribbling and tackling a frontal attack |
Passing, Dribbling, 1v1 attacking, 1v1 Defending, Body shape, Intercepting, Tackling, Dribbling with feints, Dribbling protecting the ball, Dribbling to prevent the opponent, Feints and tricks, Pass, Intercepting, Tackling, 1 versus 1, Individual positioning, Body positioning, Run to support player in possession, Defending at the right distance, Read the intentions |
Using cones, create a 30x20-meter/33x22-yard play area and divide it into three zones measuring 10x20 meters/11x22 yards. The three playing zones are adjacent to each other. For each zone place, in the center of the short sides opposite to each other, a marker (as in the picture). We will have a total of six starting markers. Arrange a pair of players for each marker in the playing rectangle, so there will be four players per zone. One ball in play for each zone. Place the remaining balls around the playing area.
- The purpose of the drill is to pass the ball to the teammate positioned on the opposite marker from the starting line, avoiding interception or ball winning by the opponent
- The player in possession of the ball can dribble the defender or move to free the passing line, thus evading the opponent's defense
- The defending player must stop the player in possession by intercepting the ball, winning the tackle or closing the line of pass
- The receiving player cannot move from the marker, so the teammate's pass must always be directed toward the marker
- Each play cannot last longer than 15 seconds
- Whenever the defender retrieves the ball, the roles between the two players are reversed
- The drill takes place in all three adjacent playing zones simultaneously for the duration of the series in a continuous manner
- At the end of each series switch the positions of the pairs of players so as to rotate the opponents who will compete
- Impose a maximum number of touches to be able to pass the ball to the teammate on the opposite marker (e.g., five)
- Decrease the maximum time duration of the action (e.g., 10 seconds)
- If the defender gains possession of the ball, they can get a point by dribbling over the opposite short side from their starting position
- Pay special attention to positioning; the defender must always position themselves between the receiver and the opponent with the ball, thus closing off the line of passing
- The defender must try to take away useful space and playing time from the opponent
- Encourage offensive players to try more dribbling solutions and feints to deceive the defender and find space for verticalization
- Remind players of the variability of offensive actions, alternating dribbling with simple ball movement and passing with defense and ball protection
- Place the remaining balls around the playing area so that players can retrieve the ball quickly and easily