Functional training: ball possession, quickness and shooting

- 10 poles
- 4 markers
- 2 speed ladders
- 8 vests (4 red, 4 yellow)
- 2 goals
- Balls
- Playing area: 50x50 meters / 55x55 yds
- Players: 12 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 2 of 8 minutes each with 2 minutes of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
4 v 2 simplified situations to improve quickness and shooting technique |
Possession, 4v2, Passing, Intercepting, Tackling, Acyclic speed, Coordination, Quickness, Shooting, Intercepting, Tackling, Mobility, 4 versus 2, Ball possession |
Place two goals, side by side, both facing the center of the field as in the picture. They are 10 meters/11 yards apart. About 25 meters/27 yards away from the goals, place two speed ladders each facing one goal as in the picture; in the side areas, diagonally, create two courses to be performed in slalom with five poles per course; place the poles about 1 meter/yard apart. A couple of meters/yards beyond the last pole arrange some balls on each side (5-6 minimum). After the two speed ladders, toward the center of the field, at a distance of 5 meters/5.5 yards, create a 15x15-meter/16x16-yard square with four markers. Divide players into three teams of four members each using jerseys (yellow, white, red in the picture). Two yellow players, two red players and two white players start inside the square; the remaining pairs of each team are placed on the courses (as shown in the picture); we will thus have for each slalom course three players of different colors. The two goalkeepers defend the two goals. Around the ball possession square keep spare balls.
- The exercise starts with a 4 v 2 ball possession inside the square
- If the defending pair regains the ball, it replaces the pair that lost the ball and keeps maintaining ball possession with the other pair (yellow players regain the ball from the white players; yellow players and red players play against whites)
Ball possession 4 v 2
- At the coach's signal ("GO" in the picture), the pair of players inside the square, corresponding to the first starting pair on the courses (red pair of players in the picture), leaves to face the speed ladders, while the top pair leaves to slalom over the 5-pole course. Coming out of the slalom course the two red players pass the ball to the two red teammates coming out of the speed ladders
- The two players who receive the ball finish toward the goals positioned in front of them
- The two players who shot at goal stop in line ready to face the pole courses, while the other pair goes inside the square to continue the 4 v 2 ball possession starting as the defending pair in possession
At the coach's signal the red pair move to shoot at goal
- No limitation on ball touches during 4 v 2 ball possession
- If a pair during possession gets the ball out of the square, they automatically become a defensive pair
- Perform the speed ladder with one touch per space at full speed
- One player shoots at the goal with the right foot, while the teammate kicks with the left foot
- Perform the speed ladder in a variety of ways: two feet per space, two or three touches per space, forward running or sideways forward running
- Teammates coming off the slalom course instead of serving a low ball, pass a high ball with their hands
- Players have to perform the pole courses and the speed ladder at maximum speed
Ball possession:
- Stimulate the creation of possession triangles, useful to avoid the opposing player by enclosing them within the triangles
- Take care of the overall distance between players
- Take care of the orientation of the body when receiving the ball; it should always be open toward the larger portion of the field
- Encourage players to perform counter movement to receive the ball
- Stimulate fast ball passing to evade opposing pressure
Shot at goal:
- After a quick glance at the goalkeeper, the player should focus on the ball
- The player must pay attention to the supporting foot, close to and beside the ball with forward tilt of the torso
- The kicking foot must impact the center of the ball with the instep
- The player must keep their gaze on the ball
- Open arms and correct swing allow the player to have stability and more balance when hitting the ball