Quick 1 v 1 with shot on goal

- Markers
- Balls
- Vests
- 1 goal
- Playing Area: 15x20 meters / 16x22 yards
- Players: whole team
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: 2 of 7 minutes each with 1 minute of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Practice for fast ball driving and goal shooting with 1 v 1 situation (attack and defend) |
Dribbling, Shooting, 1v1 attacking, 1v1 Defending, Body shape, Tackling, Dribbling, Dribbling with feints, Dribbling at speed, Dribbling to prevent the opponent, Feints and tricks, Finishing, Goal defense, Tackling, 1 versus 1, Individual positioning, Run to support player in possession, Defending at the right distance |
Divide the players into two teams and arrange them with the ball in two rows, inside the two marker gates (white and red in the picture), facing the goalkeeper. Using the markers, create a 20x15-meter/22x16-yard playing area. In the center of one short side of the field place a goal. On the opposite side form the two starting gates. The goalkeeper defends the goal. For younger age groups, rotate players in the goalkeeper role as well.
- The coach calls the color of a team (red in the example)
- The player of the color called starts running with the ball toward the goal and shoots trying to score
- After that, the player performs a change in direction to counter the opponent of the other color, who has meanwhile set off in quick conduction to attack the goal. A 1 v 1 situation is created
- If the attacker finishes or the goalkeeper saves, the action ends
- If the defender succeeds in recovering the ball, they can look for the goal
- The drill is continuous with the players in their respective rows ready to follow each other in starting to kick and defend, respecting the sequence order of the rows and starting alternately in attacking the goal: each player attacks (shot on goal) and defends
- Free touches available to players
- Change the starting positions of players in their respective rows so that they diversify the opponent to face (do not work in fixed pairs)
- The exercise has three technical focuses:
- Quick ball driving, correctly using the foot and with the head high
- Shot on goal using the inside of the foot if close to it, or using the instep kicking hard if from a distance
- Effective dribbling in the 1 v 1, accelerating the pace after passing the opponent
- Pay attention to coordination and the defender's posture in the 1 v 1 (duel distance, running to approach the carrier, correct body posture) and the cognitive focus when choosing the type of dribbling, shot on goal and ball attack
- Cognitive skills and variations on the use of the strong and weak foot can be topics to focus on when increasing the difficulty of the drill