Small-sided Game: support play

- Markers
- 2 mini-goals
- 8 cones
- 5 vests
- Balls
- Playing Area: 31x25 meters / 34x27 yards
- Players: 10
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Series: 2 of 6 minutes each with 3 minutes of recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Small-sided game to improve ball possession and support play |
Creating space, Depth, Possession, Mark, Passing, Receiving, Shooting, Intercepting, Aerobic power, Reaction time, Vestibular information, Aerobic power, Pass, First touch, Losing your marker, Finishing, Marking, Intercepting, Mobility, Depth, Ball possession, Support, Bouncer |
Create a 31x25-meter/34x27-yard field with four cones placed at the vertices. Place four more cones to mark out a 25x3-meter/27x3-yard area at each end of the field (yellow areas in the picture). Place the mini-goals on opposite sides of the 25x25-meter/27x27-yard playing square in a central position, facing each other. Form two teams of five players. Ball to the coach to start the drill.
- Coach throws the ball starting the drill with a ball duel between the two teams
- A 5 v 5 Small-sided Game is played
- The team in possession of the ball may bring a player to the back area of the opponent's mini-goal which serves as a deep outside support for verticalization
- The team that scores the most points wins
- Within the 25x25-meter/27x27-yard playing area between the two mini-goals, the number of touches is limited to three
- Inside the two areas behind the mini-goals, the number of touches is free
- Each goal is worth 1 point
- The goal is worth 2 points if it occurs with one touch after a pass coming from a teammate positioned in the area behind the mini-goal (example shown in the picture)
- The player positioned in the zone behind the mini-goal cannot be attacked by opponents
- Decrease the size of the field and play a 4 v 4, keeping one player per team stationary off the field in turn (rotation of players every minute)
- Place one goalkeeper in the center of each side, for a total of four
- Add a joker who plays with the team in possession of the ball (numerical superiority in possession)
- The drill aims to improve goal-oriented ball possession
- Stimulate players to use the support of a teammate positioned behind the mini-goals, bringing 2 points to the team for each one-touch goal
- The player behind the mini-goals has the opportunity to maintain possession (free touches), calling on the teammates
- Once the player behind the opponent's goalkeeper has been served, teammates must move up quickly to receive the support and try to finish on goal
- The drill must be carried out at a fast pace