Conditioned match: limited ball touches

- Markers
- 5 vests
- 2 goals
- Balls
- Playing Area: 30x40 meters / 33x44 yards
- Players: 10 + 2 goalkeepers
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Series: 2 of 8 minutes each with 2 minutes of passive recovery in between
Summary | Secondary Objectives |
Match with classic rules and with the only condition that it is played with limited touches |
Passing, Shooting, Receiving to turn, Body shape, Intercepting, Coordination, Awareness, Timing, Visual perception, Peripheral vision, Pass, Oriented control, Losing your marker, Finishing, Positioning, Intercepting, Mobility |
Create a 30x40-meter/33x44-yard playing field with markers. In the middle of both short sides of the field place a goal. Inside the field line up two teams (5 v 5 in the picture).
- A 5 v 5 match is played with the rules of the normal match
- The game has the following conditions:
- all players have two ball touches available
- there is no offside rule
- Players have two touches; if players make multiple touches, possession passes to the other team
- Change the number of ball touches
- Offside rule is valid
- Vary the number of players
- Vary the size of the field
Coaching Points
- Limiting touches promotes improved peripheral vision as players must continuously look around before receiving the ball so as to anticipate the choice to be made
- Encourage players to orient their bodies so as to see both the ball carrier and the future receiver
- Take care of the players' technical gestures